
Privacy Policy

Regarding email addresses used in comments

All content on the website is free and no registration is required. Your e-mail address used in the comments is only used for questions of identification of comments, sending of newsletter requested by the user or responses. Under no circumstances will e-mails be revealed, sold or passed on to third parties, unless required by the court, your IP address will also be recorded for the same purpose.

Regarding Cookies

The blog may use cookies and/or web beacons when a page on our server is accessed, this is done to display relevant advertisements to users, with their own tastes. Cookies are used on 99% of internet sites, used to recognize, track and store the user’s browsing on the Internet and inform the system used who you are and prevent the false use of your name.

Regarding Advertising and/or Affiliate Program

The blog only displays direct advertising or affiliate program ads. Deliveries, tax issues or any other adverse situation are the sole responsibility of the respective affiliate programs. Ads may place cookies on your computer as described above. These cookies are the responsibility of the advertiser or affiliate program.

Regarding external links

The blog contains links to sites other than its own. The blog is not responsible for the privacy policies practiced on other sites linked here.

Regarding copyright

The content of the blog is exclusive and cannot be reproduced on other websites, magazines, publications, etc. All materials published on this site are protected by Copyright laws and are property of the blog and/or licensed by its partners and/or mentioned brands. It is not permitted to republish, modify, copy, store in a public database and/or commercialize any content on this site, without prior explicit permission.

With regards to exceptions

Only requests for court orders have the power to override the rules of the privacy policy presented here, in the case of the information stored here.

If there is any case of comments that contain offenses, practices of racism, insinuations of pedophilia, or any type of prejudice or crime provided for in Brazilian law, all your information will be voluntarily passed on to the competent authorities, and appropriate measures will be taken.